'Black Monopoly' board game shared by NT Police members with every space 'go to jail' revealed | NT Independent

‘Black Monopoly’ board game shared by NT Police members with every space ‘go to jail’ revealed

by | Apr 11, 2024 | Alice, Cops, News, Subscriber | 9 comments

Leaked screenshots of a Territory Response Group email that police members shared depicting a “
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  1. Oohh someone’s busy reaching back into the archives. One would think it’s possibly someone with a bruised ego, perhaps who left, reapplied and wasn’t wanted. Now all this hard digging is to prove Zach Rolfe became saturated by this racist culture. He was a Choir boy prior to joining the NT Police. One can see this frenzied witch hunt, the blood, sweat and tears as the search goes on to find evidence of more racist correspondence between members of the TRG. Clearly they are the only section within NT Police to which the informant has access to. Can’t wait to see what they find for the years prior to 2008. Waiting with bated breath.

    • Fill in the blanks people:
      “Them NT cops leak like a …..”.

  2. All those involved in trying to throw Rolfe under the bus should be dismissed from the Police force immediately, regardless of rank.

    • Ah yes all those who hard earned association fees contributed to Zach’s defence?
      Zach was found not guilty to the charge of murder. He should never have been charged, that’s the general consensus. But now to use the culture of a section based in Darwin, of things that occurred before Zach was even a member, as the reason he engaged in sharing racist text messages, is ridiculous and offensive. He should take responsibility for the language and tone of his messages.
      The Coronial has been hijacked.

      • The inquest is a witch hunt.

  3. I honestly think this is just dark humour. Police deal with different situations to the everyday person and they use humour to deal with it.

    I’m not sure they are racist so much as prejudice towards what they deal with in their jobs.

    • Of course it’s dark humour. It’s a way of coping with seeing the same, grim and tragic events day in day out. While the rest of the community just tut tuts. Often the communities and families don’t bat an eyelid, they become immune or are to far gone themselves but who always turns up, deals with same thing constantly. The Merry Go Round but it ain’t no fun fair.

  4. How far do they want to go back?? 1962?? Comments made in jest were alive and well then, no doubt there are a few others could go back further. We were all guilty of it according to rules and regulations of today, not just police.

  5. I think it is important is important to go back because many of those police would now be in senior roles.
    Racism can not be turn on and off, it is ingrained into a person.
    Did any of the police who received the widespread email act to stop its distribution?
    If so, they should be proud of their efforts and publicly congratulated.
    If not, NT police should be ashamed of their culture.
    For example, the Police Minister, Brent Potter received a large number racist, homophobic, antisemitic and misogynistic posts whilst he was a serving officer in the Australian Army. He had two choices:
    1) Act as a honorable Officer, follow Army policy and act against people who held those views, or
    2) Join in on the fun and send the hurtful rubbish far and wide so it can cause more damage and angst to the people he is supposed to be defending.

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