Lawler Government stuffed up emergency declaration for Alice Springs; police union still concerned curfew not legal | NT Independent

Lawler Government stuffed up emergency declaration for Alice Springs; police union still concerned curfew not legal

by | Apr 9, 2024 | Alice, Cops, News, Subscriber | 4 comments

Official documents have revealed the Lawler Government made an error concerning which ministry was s
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  1. Any gung ho NGO challenging this,
    ala Danilla Dilba challenging the Dan Murphy site (but was fine with all the liquor establishments),
    or Larrakia Nation challenging the Lee Point DHA Housing project
    would need to consider the possibility of a NT Government funding cut!

    thank heavens NAAJA is not in a position to blow tax payer funds in challenging this.

  2. I can see it already! Standby for an urgent change to the legislation to remove any chance of the CM being challenged in court. She has gone down that path before and would do it again.

  3. How can any government tells others, especially youth, that they must follow the law when the government ignores legislation when it suits them.
    Youths go to jail for breaking the law but nothing happens to governments – its not a good example to set.
    Nothing happens to Labor Ministers who post Nazi, homophobic, misogynistic and anti-semantic stuff online but are they investigating police for the same actions. Hypocrites!!!!
    Potter admired Nazi’s and you can see his influence on this.
    Labor created a youth crime problem in Alice Springs, convinced the NT population they were the answer to the problem, change the emergency legislation to squash any civil protests or dissent. Its Labor using another Potter Nazi play to keep power. Its no wonder Labor loves Potter.
    Using the Emergency Act to stop civil action is dangerous to democracy and anyone who has ever protested a government decision should be outraged and worried by this precedent.

  4. Maybe it was illegal but has given us a little respite for a couple of weeks before total chaos returns again.

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