Letter to the editor: What will the developer think about reopening Berrimah prison?

Letter to the editor: What will the developer think about reopening Berrimah prison?

by | Apr 18, 2024 | Opinion | 1 comment

Dear Editor,

I had to laugh when I heard that Chief Minister Eva Lawler wants to open up Berrimah prison for adult prisoners.

The old prison was originally to have been demolished with the land used for a youth detention centre instead of building one in Pinelands.

Even though there was support by the then minister responsible, and Danilla Dilba and myself, a neighbouring developer opposed that because it might affect land sales. So the government caved in and decided to build the youth facility next to the big prison. Which was against the Royal Commission into the Detention and Protection of Children in the Northern Territory’s recommendation.

Now we are going to reopen Berrimah for adult prisoners. Why wasn’t the youth facility built there in the first place? I’m confused!

Or is this a political merry go round? What does the developer think now?

Gerry Wood, Howard Springs

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1 Comment

  1. What does the developer think now?
    He is probably saying “what do I get extactly for my 6 figure, election funding donations? This is a rip off! I am calling consumer affairs”

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